Ten Important Trades for Survival

When disaster strikes you will of course have to stand on your own two feet. You won’t be able to order out for dinner and you won’t be able to call the local handyman if something goes haywire in the house. So here a number of skills you will need to know. Granted, you won’t be able to pursue a college education or attend a trade school for everyone


If worst comes to worst you may find yourself having build a home of your own or even a shelter in the wild. There plenty of creative ways to do so but if you have good knowledge and solid skills in carpentry it will be a huge plus.


Ham radio, CB Radio, Cellphones, satellite phones, and just about any other communications devices you can imagine will require some skill and it will be good to be in the know about every device at your disposal one other means fail. This can be a vital way of not only staying connected with loved ones but staying informed on various vital pieces of information such as weather patterns or coming disaster relief.


Since you’ll want to have a home generator you’ll want to know how to use, maintain, and operate it. You’ll also want to have some basic knowledge of dealing with the electrical systems in your home since you won’t be able to call an electrician if something goes haywire.


With trips to the local super market you’ll want a sustainable and renewable source of food. The best way to achieve this is to be able to grow your own.


In additions to fruits and veggies you may be able to grow yourself you’ll also want good protein sources, or alternative food sources if your crops fail. Also being able to raise livestock on your own can provide additional food sources as well. Cows provide milk and dairy products if you know how to make them yourself, and chickens are an easy source of eggs.

6.Medical Skills

There may not always be doctors around so you’ll want to invest in some medical skills such as first aid and CPR especially if emergencies arise.

7.Household Products

Many people are able to make their own products at home including soaps and laundry detergents and other cleaning and hygiene products. Many people do not possess those skills, however, and often underestimate our daily use of them. It’s good to invest in some knowledge on how to make your own products to use at home when they are no longer available at your super markets and department stores.

8.Home Remedies

When medicines and other medical supplies run out it may be best to invest in some knowledge of home remedies. For example, did you know you can make an astringent (liquid band-aid) out of dandelion heads, or that peppermint tea can settle an upset stomach. A little home remedy knowledge may go a long way when all else fails.


Being able to predict the weather and climate may be vital for survival and preparation. You won’t want to go out into the wilderness on a hunting trip when a storm is on its way, and if a snow storm is on its way you may want to seek shelter and additional sources of heat. Being able to read the signs and predict the weather will be vital skills to have in the days ahead.

You might not be up to par with the weatherman on TV, but there are many classical methods home tools that you can use yourself to be more in the know than most on what storms may be approaching.

10.Weapons Training and Manufacturing

Dangers could include wild predatory animals or even people (especially those who are less prepared than you). Ideally you should learn some self-defense, firearms training, and other weapons if all else fails. If you don’t have access to firearms, some archery skills could be a huge plus in lieu of a hunting rifle. You’ll also want to know how make your own at home so you can be prepared to face any danger that lies ahead or lurks around the corner.